Communication and Media Engagement

In 2020, media coverage about the Centre and our researchers reached a global audience of over 1 Billion people.
In 2020, media coverage about the Centre and our researchers reached a global audience of over 1 Billion people. We were the direct focus of more than 245 stories in print, online and broadcast media across Australia and more than 11 other countries.
Our Centre website is at the core of our online presence. It provides comprehensive information about the Centre and our people, including our strategy, researcher profiles, news stories, publications, opportunities for industry collaboration, and information about our workshops and events. It is also a key point of contact for our researchers around the world, enabling access through a secure portal to Centre operational information, collaborative research forums, policies and procedures.
We attracted 29,287 new users to our website in 2020. The site had 79,900 page views with particular interest in our Robotic Vision Summer School (RVSS), opportunities to engage with the Centre, the Robotics Roadmap and our researcher profiles. The Centre also disseminates content through five social media channels – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.
In 2021, when the Centre’s operations conclude, the website will be transitioned into a legacy website,, and social media platforms will be deactivated.

Feature image photo credit: Busakorn Pongparnit, Moment, Getty Images